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EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Fluid Dynamics Publications

A collection of publications in journals and conference proceedings from the EPSRC CDT in Fluid Dynamics students:

  • A Boussinesq slurry model of the F-layer at the base of Earth's outer core, J. Wong, C.J. Davies, C.A. Jones, Geophysical Journal International (2018), doi:
  • Design and operation of a Rayleigh Ohnesorge jetting extensional rheometer (ROJER) to study extensional properties of low viscosity polymer solutions, E. Greiciunas, J. Wong, I. Gorbatenko, J. Hall, M. C. T. Wilson and N. Kapur, O.G. Harlen, D. Vadillo, P. Threlfall Holmes, Journal of Rheology 61, 467 (2017); doi:
  • Deceleration of one-dimensional mixing by discontinuous mappings, H. Kreczak, R Sturman, M Wilson, a Regular Article in Physical Review E (2017); doi:
  • Experimental and modelling study of the impacts of n-butanol blending on the auto-ignition behaviour of gasoline and its surrogate at low temperatures, Inna Gorbatenko, Alison Tomlin, Malcolm Lawes, Roger Cracknell, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute (2018). doi:
  • Unsteady Flow Modelling in Plate-Fin Heat Exchanger Channels. Greiciunas, E., Borman, D. and Summers, J. In ASME  2017 Heat Transfer Summer Conference (pp. V001T02A011-V001T02A011). American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
  • Computation of Methane/air Ignition Delay and Excitation Times, using Comprehensive and Reduced Chemical Mechanisms and their Relevance in Engine Autoignition, Bates, L., Bradley, D., Gorbatenko, I., Tomlin, A.S., Combustion and Flame, 185, pp.105-116 (2017). doi:
  • Numerical and experimental analysis of the sedimentation of spherical colloidal suspensions under centrifugal force, Evangelia Antonopoulou, Connor F. Rohmann-Shaw, Thomas C. Sykes, Olivier J. Cayre, Timothy N. Hunter, and  Peter K. Jimack, Physics of Fluids 30, 030702 (2018); doi:
  • Determination of the instantaneous geostrophic flow within the three-dimensional magnetostrophic regime, Colin Hardy, Philip Livermore, Jitse Nisesen, Jiawen Luo, Kuan Li,  Proceedings of the Royal Society A (2018) doi: 10.1098/rspa.2018.0412
  • Turbulent generation of poloidal asymmetries of the electric potential in a tokamak. Peter DonnelXavier GarbetYanick SarazinYuuichi AsahiFryderyk WilczynskiElisabett CascheraGuilhem Dif-PradalierPhilippe Ghendrih and Camille Gillot, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, IOP Science, September 2018. doi:
  • A Novel HE Corrugation Modelling Approach Utilising Conjugate Heat Transfer Methodology, E. Greiciunas, Dr D. Borman and Dr J. Summers, Tenth International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ICCFD10), Barcelona,Spain, July 9-13, 2018, ICCFD10-290,
  • Experimental and numerical modelling of aerated flows over stepped spillways, Van Alwon, J, Borman, D, Sleigh, A et al. (Accepted: 2017) In: Proceedings of IAHR 2017.  37th IAHR World Congress, 13-18 Aug 2017, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR) ,

Associate EPSRC CDT in Fluid Dynamics students:

  • Variational modelling of wave–structure interactions with an offshore wind-turbine mast. T.Salwa, O. Bokhove, and M. A. Kelmanson. Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 107(1):61–85, Dec 2017. ISSN 1573-2703. doi:
  • Variational coupling of wave slamming against elastic masts. 31st International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, Salwa, O. Bokhove, and M. A. Kelmanson. IWWWFB, Michigan, USA, pages 149–152, 2016a. URL
  • Variational modelling of wave-structure interactions for offshore wind turbines. Salwa, O. Bokhove, and M. A. Kelmanson. Extended paper for Int. Conf. on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Eng., OMAE2016, Busan, South-Korea, page 10, 6 2016b. URL
  • Forced Gravity Waves and the Tropospheric Response to Convection. Halliday, OJ, Griffiths, SD, Parker, DJ. Stirling A, Vosper S (2018). Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. ISSN 0035-9009; doi: 
  • Thermodynamic modelling of a stratified charge spark ignition engine. Smith, JK, Roberts P, Kountoriotis A, Richardson D, Aleiferis P, Ruprecht D. International Journal of Engine Research, 1-10, July 2018; doi:
  •  Dynamics of an idealized fluid model for investigating convective-scale data assimilation. Kent T; Bokhove O; Tobias S (2017) Tellus, Series A: Dynamic Meterology and Oceanography, 69 (1). doi:
  • Variational Coupling of Wave Slamming against Elastic Masts. Salwa TJ; Bokhove O; Kelmanson MA (2016) Proceedings 31st International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, pp. 149-152. 31st International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies
  • Variational modelling of wave-structure interactions for offshore wind turbines. Salwa T; Bokhove O; Kelmanson MA (2016)  Proceedings of the International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering - OMAE. Proceedings of the International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering - OMAE
  • A first collective validation of global fluvial flood models for major floods in Nigeria and Mozambique, Mark V Bernhofen, Charlie Whyman, Mark A Trigg, P Andrew Sleigh, Andrew M Smith, Christopher C Sampson, Dai Yamazaki, Philip J Ward, Roberto Rudari, Florian Pappenberger. October 2018 Environmental Research Letters, Volume 13, Number 10,
  • Variational modelling of extreme waves through oblique interaction of solitary waves: Application to Mach reflection. Gidel F; Bokhove O; Kalogirou A (2017) Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics24 (1), pp. 43-60, doi:
  •  Driven nonlinear potential flow with wave breaking at shallow-water beaches ASME 2017 36th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering Gidel F; Bokhove O; Kelmanson M (2017), OMAE2017-61974. OMAE 2017 doi:10.1115/OMAE2017-61974