LIFD sub-groups
The Leeds Institute for Fluid Dynamics (LIFD) is supported by a number of sub-groups which work to progress the institute's aims, including:
- Computational group, provision of training and support on software/code via user groups such as OpenFOAM, and promotion of strategy for enhancing computational facilities across campus (group leads: Dr Amirul Khan, contact for further information)
- MSc group, focussed on the development of an independent fluid dynamics MSc programme at Leeds (group lead: Dr Duncan Borman -
- PhD group, developing and delivering a strategy for increasing PhD student numbers in fluid dynamics in addition to the CDT in fluid dynamics at Leeds, and supporting the existing fluid dynamics PhD student community (group lead: Prof Peter Jimack -
- Experimental group, coordinating large capital equipment bid applications, and identifying experimental kit and space needed for the fluid dynamics community at Leeds (group lead: Prof Jeff Peakall -
- Industry/impact group, developing and delivering a strategy for engaging industry in fluid dynamics research across campus (group lead: Prof Onno Bokhove -
- The Early Career Researcher forum meets on a regular basis to discuss and develop ideas to serve the interests of PhD students and postdoctoral researchers in fluid dynamics. The forum welcomes any interested ECRs to join their meetings; for more information on joining the forum, please email or visit the Fluids ECR Forum page.
Membership of LIFD supporting subgroups is open to all fluid dynamics researchers (staff and PhD) at Leeds. Please get in contact with the group lead to request your addition to the group.