The LIFD have dedicated funds from the University’s UKRI Higher Education Innovation Funding (HEIF) scheme to support knowledge exchange that benefits society and the economy.
LIFD’s Key priorities for this funding are
- Develop a detailed proposal for a Fluids National Initiative and secure high-level support. This will facilitate knowledge exchange, stakeholder engagement, interdisciplinary collaboration, and a world leading UK fluids community.
- Support Early and Mid Career Researchers working in fluids to collaborate with peers within and beyond the University and secure tenure track positions, prestigious fellowships and strategic collaborative projects.
- Build on existing partnerships with industry/PSRE/third-party/charities and seek opportunities for new partnerships to maximise the impact of LIFD research activities beyond the academic community and enable knowledge exchange.
- Continue to build the international profile of interdisciplinary fluid dynamics at Leeds and across the UK by hosting visitors, presenting research at international meetings, and building on our collaborative partnerships.
LIFD invites its members to apply for funds under different categories, more info here. The total HEIF funds for July2022-July2023 is £40,000. Please email for further information on how to apply